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Grimas Anti Shine cream 8 ml, GASHINE-8

  • Grimas Care & Cleansing

25.00 BGN (incl. VAT)

Grimas Anti Shine is an excellent means of providing the skin with a matte finish and is suitable for various make-up applications. It is an ideal product for preventing a shiny effect and it improves the endurance of the make-up. Anti Shine ensures that make-up adheres better to all parts of the skin that are prone to greasiness, like the forehead, nose and chin, and is suited for application over blemishes. Grimas Anti Shine cream is available in small 8 ml tubes. Anti Shine can be applied without make-up (by itself, directly onto the skin) or underneath the make-up. Apply Anti Shine in a very thin layer with the finger or a latex sponge. In cse of oily / combination skin first apply Grimas Under Make-up Base, allow 10 minutes for it to be absorbed, than apply Grimas Anti Shine to the greasy parts of the skin (nose, chin) than applying foundation of your choice.


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