• Diamond FX - Senjo Color - Grimas only professional makeup materials, special effects, face and body painting, bodyart, brushes, latex, film blood, accessories

Grimas Nose Wax SFX modelling nose putty 60 ml, GNWAX-60

  • Grimas SFX special effects

37.00 BGN (incl. VAT)

Grimas Nose Wax is a malleable – flexible, soft moldable material that can be used for creating all sorts of deformations/distortions of the nose or chin during make-up. It is less suitable for sticking to mobile parts of the skin - use Grimas Derma Wax for that. Nose Wax already has a skin colour but you can colour it perfectly using Grimas Crème Make-up Pure or Camouflage Make-up Pure. Nose Wax comes in a 60 ml size. Apply Nose Wax on clean and greased skin onto which no cream has been applied. For additional adhesion to the skin, first clean it with Cleansing Lotion. Use the convex rounded side of the Derma Wax Spatula to take the Nose Wax out of the jar. Form a ball with your fingers and press it firmly onto the skin, do not rub – it could get too warm and sticky from the warmth of your hands. Smooth the edges with a bit of Cleansing Cream. Dab it all over with a dry, clean make-up sponge to remove the excess Cleansing Cream and you create a skin-texture effect. You can color the application with using Grimas Crème Make-up Pure or Camouflage Make-up Pure. Powder off with a make-up sponge with Grimas Transparent Powder, remove the excess powder. After powdering off, you can use stipple sponge to apply a skin structure effect if required, add Grimas Blood or any other effect if required. To remove the Nose Wax, massage into the skin Grimas Multi Remover Pure or Cleansing Cream. Scrape the Nose Wax off the skin with the spatula, repeat if necessary. If a slight film forms on the skin, cleanse it afterwards with Grimas Cleansing Lotion.


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