• Diamond FX - Senjo Color - Grimas only professional makeup materials, special effects, face and body painting, bodyart, brushes, latex, film blood, accessories

Grimas Waterproof Body glue 10 ml, GBGLUE-10

  • Grimas SFX special effects

23.00 BGN (incl. VAT)

Grimas Body Glue is a strong and long-lasting, waterproof, alcohol and latex free, skin friendly glue with multiple areas of use. Suitable and ideal for many purposes such as glitter tattos with Grimas Pearlite (Metallic), Shimmer Flakes, Crystal Flakes or Polyglitter. The glitter tattoos will be water resistant and can last for several days. Body Glue can also be used for attaching Wool Crepe moustaches, beards and goatees, tule wigs, bald caps, latex noses and sets (among other things). It's also safe for use near the eyes, so it can be used as an eyelash adhesive as well. When using it near the eyes, of course be careful not to accidentally glue the eyelids together. The packaging has a cap with a brush, with which the skin glue can easily be applied to the desired place. In the dermatological declaration one can read the following: The products have been dermatologically tested for 24, 48 and 72 hours on 30 persons with healthy skin. No irritation occurred.


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