• Diamond FX - Senjo Color - Grimas only professional makeup materials, special effects, face and body painting, bodyart, brushes, latex, film blood, accessories

Senjo FX Wound effect wax transparent skin colored 35 ml, 1003083

  • Senjo SFX special effects, accessories

33.00 BGN (incl. VAT)

Senjo FX Wound effect wax transparent skin colored 35 ml, 1003083 Modeling wax for professional 3D wound effects. Its properties also allow professional use for film and TV. Extremely realistic effects can be achieved thanks to its transparency in combination with a slight skin tone coloring. Simply apply to the appropriate skin area in the desired layer thickness and let the edges run out softly. Special effects such as scars, bumps, etc. can be easily modeled with a spatula. If the wax is too firm, simply heat it up slightly. In this way, the desired toughness can be easily adjusted. The wax can be easily removed and any residues on the skin and tools can be effortlessly dissolved with special adhesive remover.


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